FREE way to run the Web faster performance

FREE way to run the Web faster performance

FREE way to run the Web faster performance
We have been touched by the way to run the Web free
Using an application DroidVPN
The way has been successful, but the way they need to be watered device
Kdalk and you need to be taking steps to success way.

طريقة لتشغيل النت المجاني بأداء اسرع

Today I've got it easy and new way to surf the net for free
With faster performance and easier way for DroidVPN
Thread Amaalak very simple, but to follow the following steps.
You do not need to Root.

طريقة لتشغيل النت المجاني بأداء اسرع

First we download the application from here GlobusVPN
وكدالك يلزمك ان تقوم  بخطوات لنجاح الطريقة .
After the download, open the application would be the point of application
Kdalk and you need to be taking steps to success way.

Open Data Service (Mobile Data) Ouguet on the big yellow circle as in the picture
Kdalk and you need to be taking steps to success way.

وكدالك يلزمك ان تقوم  بخطوات لنجاح الطريقة .


Wait until the application works Connect the ends of the call to walk fled sometimes it takes some time
Connect when the application work, you can open any page on the Web normally
It is also possible that the application fails to communicate to walk far to walk you can change fled from the list of Sir Firat that the application by the three pressure points above and choose the word Server
طريقة لتشغيل النت المجاني بأداء اسرع

And it will show us a list Sir Firat choose a surfer and a new re-trial
Knowing that a possible application that does not connect to Connect the first time ... tried several times

I hope that I inform you in Hada Thread

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